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PRP Therapy

PRP facials are not cosmetic procedures, but rather medical procedures. The Nurse doing the procedure takes a sample of your blood and isolates the protein-rich plasma and platelets to create the PRP.

A centrifuge is spun around to extract protein-rich plasma. The platelets are also removed. The sample is then concentrated and called platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The high levels of growth factors in the PRP help the body to heal. Dermatologists began using PRP to promote the growth of collagen.

PRP for Hair 

PRP Hair Treatment stimulates fast hair growth, the procedure starts with extracting a small amount of blood from the patient (less than 50ml). The extracted blood is then placed in a centrifugal machine, it detaches the Platelet-Rich Plasma from the blood. The extracted PRP undergoes utilisations using the DNA activators. Once the process is done, it is injected into the scarred area that is in need of hair loss treatment. 







PRP for Skin

The plasma is spread on your skin, after which micro-needling across the forehead and cheeks helps the face absorb proteins. Microneedling is a procedure that makes a series of superficial, tiny holes using sterile needles. Both the micro-needling and the PRP stimulate collagen growth. At clinic IQ we can add one of our Zena Serums for even better results.







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